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“Joint efforts against infectious diseases: HIV, TB, HCV” 

The “Joint efforts against infectious diseases: HIV, TB, HCV” conference has been held successfully in Moscow on January 27th.  

The conference was organised jointly by the European Union (EU), the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (MSHE), the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (MOH); and by the two projects funded by the EU and the MSHE under a joint call of the Horizon 2020 Programme: CARE and ARREST-TB projects.

The objectives of the Conference were to enhance awareness in the public and in the stakeholders about the issues tackled by the projects, related to HIV, TB and HCV in the Euro-Asian region; to involve the stakeholders also in view of possible actions for the sustainability of the projects activities; to favour the networking of the two projects and to enhance their impact at the advantage of the patients and the citizens of the whole Euro-Asian region.



At the presence of the EU ambassador in Russia Mr Ederer, of the First Deputy Minister of the MSHE Mr Trubnikov, and of the high representative of the MOH Mr Kostennikov, the CARE and the ARREST-TB projects presented their interim results and fuelled a lively scientific discussion in a collaborative atmosphere.

Best known scientists and representatives of the MSHE and of the MOH of the Russian Federation provided a clear and novel overview of the situation in Russia related to the three diseases, of the measures adopted to tackle them and of relevant scientific and interventional results. Representatives of the WHO and of the ECDC provided up to date overview of the situation of the three diseases in European WHO region.

To my knowledge it is the first time that such a diverse audience come together, with scientists of different disciplines and organisations and high political representatives of different bodies” said Marina Bobkova, the coordinator of the “Russian side” of the CARE project.

It is also noticeable that HIV drug resistance is considered among the Ministry priorities, as pointed out by Prof. Gabbasova”, added Francesca Incardona, CARE project coordinator.
Satisfied also the CARE project scientific coordinator Jens Lundgren, who remarked the “good and constructive collegial atmosphere”, the representative of the MSHE Viktor Smirnov who greatly contributed with its cabinet to the Conference organisation, the former EU representative in Moscow, now EU Team Leader Richard Burger, and the EU Officer Alessandra Martini who first conceived the conference.


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 825673.


Francesca Incardona

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