This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 825673.
Impact of host genomic variation on clinical outcomes in HIV patients
Leading partner: REGION HOVEDSTADEN/CHIP (Denmark)
The HIV epidemiology and virology related tasks are complemented by clinically oriented activities based on host genetics.
CARE performs an assessment of the treatment-limiting toxicity for existing antiretroviral drugs through:
Establishment of a pilot cohort for the study of the impact of host genetics on the risk of development of AIDS and serious non-AIDS events, and adverse drug reactions in HIV-positive patients in Eastern Europe (Russia, Georgia and Ukraine), based on the single nucleotide polymorphism study performed at CHIP/RegionH
Preliminary validation of the data by comparing it to an existing extensive cohort in relation to most common treatment regimens
Ongoing results
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Ongoing results
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We have successfully established a new prospective HIV Eastern European cohort for human genomic studies in Georgia, Ukraine and Russia with enrolment target of 4,500 participants. As of 14th October 2020, a total of 4035 unselected HIV positive persons have been enrolled in three countries (64.5% male, median age of 40 years, 21.1% with prior AIDS, 94.3% on ART) to analyse host genome.
The study participants have donated blood at the time of enrolment for host genomic analysis and the CARE Host genomic biobank of whole blood samples has been established. Samples from 2463 participants from Ukraine and Georgia have been shipped to Copenhagen, of which, 1500 participants have been selected for the first phase of host genome analysis. Additionally, 350 retrospective patients with a longer follow-up period and DNA samples available will be enrolled in Russia.